How it all started...
In 2018, a small group of believers started fasting and praying for God to plant a church. A few months later that prayer group blossomed into a little church.
Pastor Hector was called out of his previous ministry in order to serve the folks at Church of New Hope. He and his wife Diana have been faithfully serving this body since the very beginning.

Expanding the vision...
Our church plant included many people with years of ministry experience behind them. We had been involved with various social outreaches designed to meet people's needs while sharing the gospel. We have since carried that forward into Church of New Hope through our certified Parenting and Anger Maneagement classes.
Where we are headed...
We are praying earnestly that God will guide us into a building to call our home. The house church experience has been a blessing and we want to see God do even more. This will allow for greater freedom and flexibility for our certified classes and provide more opportunites to realize our mission and vision for the City of Norwalk. We want to see our certified classes grow, use our facility to establish a Bible College, and leverage more of our resources for over seas missions.

Be a part of our story...
Join Us Every Sunday as we gather for worship at
8:30am Service
10:30am Service
Wednesday Nights 7:00pm
8:30am Service
10:30am Service
Wednesday Nights 7:00pm